Working at the Festival - Help Required

With more than 4,500 visitor admissions over the three days, our festival relies on keen and hard working CAMRA members to come forward as volunteers. Serving beer is the main job, but people are also needed to set up before the festival opens and to take down afterwards, to sell CAMRA products and memberships, and to help with the stewarding, cloakroom and glasses.

This year it is important that we have enough staff to provide a cloakroom at all times; as a matter of safety backpacks will no longer be permitted into the crowded bar areas.

Note: For insurance purposes only current CAMRA members can work at the festival.

If you have enjoyed working at Battersea before, please offer to help again - if you haven't worked at a festival before then why not give it a go? Even if you can spare only a couple of hours at the end of the evening that can make a big difference.

CAMRA SW London branch members should have received a staffing form with the Christmas mail out. If you would like to work at the Festival you will need to fill in and return a Staffing Form to our Staffing Officer, Sue Hart []. Everyone working needs to do this, it doesn't matter how well known you are.

If you prefer to use email, or if you are a CAMRA member from outside our branch area who wants to work at the festival, click to download a Staffing Form in either [.doc] or [.pdf] format.

It helps with planning if you can please send completed forms to arrive no later than Friday 3 February. After that you just need to turn up on the days you've offered to work. If for any reason you cannot commit yourself in advance, we can usually find a job for local branch members who volunteer on the day (but don't forget your membership card).

Festival staff are given vouchers for five half pints of FREE BEER for each afternoon and each evening worked. Workers also receive a discount of roughly fifty per cent on meals - including vegetarian options - from Kam, our popular regular caterer.

Once again we will have a workers' social evening later in the year for all the festival workers.

The main CAMRAswl website is at